Name Arch Version Description
auto-recordpigeon-glasses1.0.0Enable auto recording on UAV connection
avin-modspigeon-glasses1.0.2Exposes configuration options for AV Input; Set PAL/NTSC and more!
avin-startuppigeon-glasses1.0.1Automatically switch to AV IN at start up. Has no effect in O3 mode.
dinitarmv7- monitoring and init system (0.14.0-wtfos)
dji-moonlight-shimpigeon-glasses1.1.0Stream games to your goggles via Moonlight!
fan-controlpigeon-glasses0.1.1Service to control fan on goggles even when dji process is not running
fcc-unlockpigeon-all1.0.6Unlocks FCC 1200mw on the Goggles, Vistas and Air Units without the need for naco.txt/naco_pwr.txt
goggle-led-drawpigeon-glasses0.2.0Draw on the DJI goggle LED display
image-changerpigeon-glasses1.0.3Changes the default DJI Splash Screen and Screensavers to WTFOS ones
image-configuratorpigeon-glasses1.0.3Change the splash screen and screensaver images with splashscreen.png, screensaver01.png and screensaver02.png in the root of the SD card.
live-audiopigeon-glasses-v11.0.0This package enables live audio on DJI FPV v1, with the air unit vista has no mic!
msp-osdpigeon-airside0.10.1MSP OSD service for the DJI HD FPV airunit.
msp-osdpigeon-glasses0.12.4MSP OSD service for the DJI HD FPV goggles.
o3-multipage-osdpigeon-glasses-v22.0.1Enables multipage OSD support, custom fonts, and OSD recording
tweak-enable-debug-menupigeon-glasses0.1.5Enable DJI debug menu on Goggles
tweak-fix-bind-losspigeon-glasses-v20.1.0Fixes binding loss for AU/Vista when switching from FPV/Avata/O3 mode to DIY mode. Does not currently work the other way around. The glass is half full.
tweak-prevent-force-upgradepigeon-glasses-v20.9.3Prevents accidental force upgrades on Goggles v2 by connecting to Fly App in DJI FPV Drone mode.
wtfospigeon-airside0.3.4wtfos meta package
wtfospigeon-glasses0.3.4wtfos meta package
wtfos-modloaderarmv7- LD_PRELOAD injector for DJI services
wtfos-modloader-o3pigeon-glasses-v20.2.2Enable modloader for O3 mode
wtfos-opkg-configarmv7- opkg.conf based on your hardware.
wtfos-package-configpigeon-all0.1.1package-config CLI tool for interacting with package configurations
wtfos-systemarmv7- startup patches